Deep RL Arm Manipulation
Once you have made sure that the you have completed all the tasks, you are ready to move onto submitting your project!
As part of your project submission, you are required to provide a writeup (PDF file only). For this writeup, you are required to briefly explain the following points:
- Your choice of tasks and rewards. Any alternative changes you made from the ones predefined for this project?
- Your choice hyperparameters and how they helped the agent to perform better.
- Advantages/Disadvantages of the RL agent you created for this task.
- Any improvements or additions you made to this project?
- The results you obtained with watermarked pictures.
- How can you improve your results?
Use the Project Rubric to review the project. If you have covered all of the points in the rubric, then you are ready to submit! If you see room for improvement in any category in which you do not meet specifications, keep working and engage in discussions with your fellow students and your mentor!
Your project will be evaluated by a Udacity reviewer according to the same Project Rubric. Your project must "meet specifications" in each category in order for your submission to pass.
What to include in your submission
You may submit your project as a zip file or with a link to a GitHub repo. The submission must include these items:
- Your entire project folder minus the build folder.
- Image of your terminal displaying the accuracy you get for when any part of the arm is touching the object, or a video of the terminal and the robot arm in action. Make sure that the image is watermarked.
- Image of your terminal displaying the accuracy you get for when only the gripper base is touching the object, or a video of the terminal and the robot arm in action. Make sure that the image is watermarked.
- The project write-up in PDF format that addresses all the rubric points and is based on the template linked above.
Ready to submit your project?
Click on the "Submit Project" button and follow the instructions to submit!
Please fill out the Project Feedback Form after you have completed the project.